Rajasthan Cropping Pattern

Rajasthan Cropping Pattern

Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various crops at a point of time. The crop statistics published by the governments are used to denote the cropping patterns. Cropping pattern is, however, a dynamic concept as it changes over space and time.The cropping patterns of a region are closely influenced by the geo-climatic, socio-cultural, economic, historical and political factors. The physical environment (physiographic, climate, soils and water) imposes limits on the growth and dis­tribution of plants and animals.

Depending on the terrain, topography, slope, temperature, amount and reliability of rainfall, soils and availability of water for irrigation, the cropping patterns varyfrom region to region.

Agro Climatic Zones of Rajasthan



Area (million ha)

District CoveredAverage Rainfall (mm)Temp OCMajor CropsSoilsAgriculture Research Station 
IAArid western plain4.74Barmer & part of Jodhpur200-37040.08.0Pearlmillet Mothbean SesameWheat, Mustard, CuminDesert soils and sand dunes aeolian soil, coarse sand in texture some places calcareousMandore, Jodhpur
IBIrrigated north western plain2.10Sriganganagar, Hanumangarh100-35042.04.7Cotton, ClusterbeanWheat, Mustard, GramAlluvial deposites calcareous, high soluble salts & exchangeable sodiumGanganagar
ICHyper arid partial irrigated zone7.70Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Churu100-35048.03.0Pearlmillet Mothbean ClusterbeanWheat, Mustard, GramDesert soils and sand dunes aeolian soil, loamycoarse in texture & calcareousBeechwal Bikaner
IIAInternal drainage dry zone3.69Nagaur, Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Part of Churu300-50039.7 Subscribe on YouTube width="6%">5.3Pearlmillet Clusterbean PulsesMustard, GramSandy loam, sallow depth red soils in depressionsFatehpur, Sikar
IIBTransitional plain of Luni basin3.00Jalore, Pali, Part of Sirohi, Jodhpur300-50038.04.9Pearlmillet Clusterbean sesameWheat, MustardRed desert soils in Jodhopur, Jalore & Pali sierzems in Pali & SirohiKeshwana, Jalore
IIIASemi arid eastern plains2.96Jaipur, Ajmer, Dausa, Tonk500-70040.68.3Pearlmillet Clusterbean SorghumWheat, Mustard, GramSierozens, eastern part alluvial, west north west lithosols, foot hills, brown soilsDurgapura, Jaipur
IIIBFlood prone eastern plain2.77Alwar, Dholpur, Bharatpur, Karoli, S.Madhopur500-70040.08.2Pearlmillet Clusterbean GroundnutWheat, Barley, Mustard, GramAlluvial prone to water logging, nature of recently alluvial calcareous has been observedNavgaun, Alwar
IVASub-humid southern plains3.36Bhilwara, Sirohi, Udaipur, Chittorgarh500-90038.68.1Maize, Pulses, SorghumWheat, GramSoil are lithosolsat foot hills & alluvials in plainsUdaipur
IVBHumid sothern plains1.72Dungarpur, Udaipur, Banswara, Chittorgarh500-110039.07.2Maize, Paddy Sorghum BlackgramWheat, GramPredominantly reddish medium texture, well drained calcareous, shallow on hills, deep soils in valleys 
VHumid south eastern plain2.70Kota, Jhalawar, Bundi, Baran650-100042.610.6Sorghum SoyabeanWheat, MustardBlack of alluvial origin, clay loam, groundwater salinityUmmedganj, Kota


 Rajasthan Cropping Pattern

Land-Use pattern in Rajasthan state


S.N                 Land Use Details                                        Area (in lakh hactare)

1                      Total Geographical area                                         342.66

2                     Forest                                                                        26.60

3                      Non agriculture use                                                            17.60

4                     Barren & unculturable land                                   24.98

5                      Area unfit for cultivation (3+4)                              42.59

6                      Cultivable wasteland                                              45.46

7                     Pasture                                                                     17.08

8                      Land under misc trees crops& groves                 0.14

9                     Uncultivated land excluding fallows (6+7+8)     62.69

10                    Fallow                                                                       36.82

11                   Net Area sown                                                         173.94

12                    Gross area sown                                                     216.64

13                    Net area Irrigated                                                    52.39

14                   Gross Area irrigated                                                63.93

15                    Cultivable land(6+10+11)                                      256.22

16                    Rainfed cultivable land (6+10+11-13)                203.83


  • Culturable Wasteland is highest in Ajmer, Alwar and Jaisalmer and minimum at Hanumangarh, Jhunjhunu and Bharatpur. Fallow lands other than current fallow cover the highest area in Alwar, Ajmer and Jodhpur whereas they are lowest at Karauli, Dholpur and Bharatpur. The current fallow land covers the highest area in Ajmer, Alwar and Barmer whereas the lowest are at Karauli, Banswara and Rajsamand.


  • Under the category of Net Area Sown and Net Area Sown more than once Ajmer and Alwar stand on the top two positions with Barmer and Hanumangarh at the third positions respectively. Dhoplur, Dungarpur and Rajsamand are the lowest three in the category of Net Area Sown and Dungarpur, Sirohi and Rajsamand are the last three of Net Area Sown more than once.


  • It can be seen that the western districts of Jaisalmer, Bikaner and Barmer have large stretches of sandy soils therefore a very high percentage of cultivable waste and fallow land is present in the region. The net sown area is also less than the other types of land uses here. Higher percentage of seasonal pasture lands exist in Barmer, Jodhpur, Jalore and Nagaur districts. Generally, Forest areas are evidently absent in the entire western Rajasthan Churu, Nagaur, Jodhpur, Pali and Jalore districts lying in the mid western districts of arid and the semi arid zone support only rain-fed crops in this area and because of low rainfall the percentage of fallow land is quite high. The net sown area is the highest in the semi-arid zone and the sub-humid parts of eastern Rajasthan which also accounts for extensive agriculture. Due to the presence of hilly terrain in parts of Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Udaipur, Kota and Baran districts the percentage of cultivable waste and the land put to non agricultural use is highest.


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