Fishing in Rajasthan

Fishing in Rajasthan



Rajasthan  is endowed with four major river basins viz. Chambal river basins, Mahi river basin, Luni river basin and Ghaghghar river basin. About seventy rivers connect these major river system with large number of tanks, ponds and reservoirs during monsoon season regulating in natural recruitment of fish and other aquatic fauna throughout the State.
The state has fresh water as well as saline water resources. It has 4.23 lakh ha. fresh water area besides 30000 ha. area as river and canals, 80,000 ha. waterlogged and 1.80 lakh ha. salt affected areas at full tank level.
For realizing potential use of the water resources for fisheries development and livelihood generation, a separate department of fisheries was established in 1982 by the state government, before that it was a part of Animal Husbandry Department.
After its separate existence, fish production has increased up to 28200 mt. Fish seed production & stocking has reached to 482.41 million fry. Revenue from fish auction has increased from Rs. 97.5 lakhs to 2540.55 lakhs.
Average production of the State is 200 kg/ha.
About 16500 farmers and fishers are engaged in fisheries related activities but with the targeted fish production.
  • About 60% of the total fish production comes from reservoirs and the rest from tanks and ponds.
  • Resource wise average productivity per hectare area is 56 kg. for large reservoir, 176 kg for small and medium reservoir, 286 kg for large tanks, 1125 kg for medium tanks and ponds, 1675 kg for small tanks and ponds and 2050 kg for ponds of water logged areas.
  • Productivity from reservoir is above the national average, while productivity of small water bodies is far less than the national average.
Water resources for fisheries

Water resources

Total water resources available for fisheries in the State are 15838 no. of water bodies covering an area of 4,23,765 hectare excluding rivers and canals (30,000 ha.) and water logged area (80,000 ha.) at Full Tank Level (FTL). In addition to it 1,80,000 hectare salt affected area is also available. Details of types of water resources, number of water bodies & area at FTL is as follows:-

Water Resources of Rajasthan (in Ha)
Type of Water ResourcesNo. of Water bodiesArea(FTL in Ha)
Minor Tanks & Ponds (< 1 ha)69134745
Medium Tanks & Ponds (1.1 0 10 ha)620725516
Large Tanks & Ponds (10.1 – 100 ha)204763,648
Small Reservoirs  (101 -1000 ha)34682,396
Medium Reservoirs (1001-5000 ha)3564,151
Large Reservoirs (>5000 ha)121,83,309
Total Water Resources15,5614,23,765
Rivers and Canals5000 km30,000
Waterlogged Areas80,000
Salt Affected Areas1,80,000


Besides utilizing state water resources for fisheries development, fisheries sector is also providing low cost food rich in protein & employment to rural weaker sections. In Rajasthan a good number of water bodies are available covering about 4.23 lakh hectare water spread area. In addition to it, about 70 rivers and canals exist in the State covering about 30,000 hectare along with about 80,000 hectare water logged area and water resources of Rajasthan stands on 11th position in the country. As per the study conducted by the Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (2010) the fish production potential of Rajasthan is more than 80,000 metric tonnes annually while production achieved in the year 2015-16 is only 42,461 metric tonnes in the State.Fishing in Rajasthan

The Department has started implementation of ambitious scheme on ‘livelihood model’, which is a ‘zero revenue’ model, for the upliftment of tribal fishermen in three reservoirs namely Jaisamand (Udaipur), Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and Kadana Backwater (Dungarpur). A total of about 3,700 fishermen of 37 fishermen cooperative societies are being benefitted under this model and the earning of tribal fishermen working on regular basis has increased manifold. The work for the modernization of government fish farms namely Soorsagar (Kota), Siliseth (Alwar), Lakhuwali (Hanumangarh), Sagrod (Banswara) and Gilva (Tonk) is undertaken out of which fish farm of Sagrod (Banswara) and Gilva (Tonk) have been completed and rest of the farm work is in progress. Renovation work of fish farm Chandlai (Tonk) is in progress, which will cost `275.00 lakh. This will lead to self-sufficiency in fish seed production.


Under National Mission for Protein Supplement scheme, a cage culture project has been sanctioned by Government of India at a cost of `3.44 crore for the dissemination and demonstration of modern fisheries techniques at Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and 56 cages have already been installed and seed stocking in cages and rearing work is also started in some cages. Apart from this, National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad, GoI has sanctioned a project of 2.23 crore towards raising of fish seed in 162 cages in 14 reservoirs of Rajasthan to augment the fish production of the State. Under Aquaculture through integrated approach component of National Mission for Protein Supplement (NMPS), the fish seed stocking in Jaisamnd and Kadana Back Water Project at cost of 2.50 crore is approved for three years. 38 lakh fish fingerling seed have been stocked in Jaisamand (Udaipur) and Kadana Back Water (Durgapur) during the year 2015-16.


Under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) an amount of `15.30 crore has been approved for the modernization/construction of 41 fish landing centres of Rajasthan to reduce the post harvest losses. The construction of fish landing centres at Ramsagar (Dholpur), Bisalpur (Tonk) and Rana Pratap Sagar (Rawatbhata) have been completed. Construction of landing centres at Jawaidam (Pali) and Jaisamand (Udaipur) is under progress. Water bodies are being developed by stocking of quality fish seed and conservation of fish stock. Waters are leased out for fish production to earn revenue for the State. During the year 2015-16, revenue of `52.97 crore has been earned by leasing out water bodies and revenue of `32.29 crore has been earned by the Department during the year 2016-17 out water bodies and revenue of 32.29 crore has been earned by the Department during the year 2016-17 upto December, 2016.


Training is being organized on regular basis 468 fish farmers have been trained upto October, 2016. In addition, 11,027 active fishermen have been covered under Group Accident Insurance Scheme and 1,283 fisherman were benefited under saving cum relief scheme in 2015-16. Presently, about 17,500 fish farmers are directly dependent on fisheries and allied activities in the State. 678 fisherman will be benefited under saving cum relief scheme in the year 2016-17. 2.00 crore has been sanctioned for Ornamental Fish Project and it is under construction as an innovative

work at Bisalpur Dam (Tonk).


A vision to achieve the fish production of 50,000 MT annually by the end of 12th five year plan have been prepared and accordingly efforts are being made with a focus on reservoir fisheries development through stocking of fish seed of fingerling instead of small fry seed for better survival and innovative fisheries  culture tools such as cage culture with the help of the various centrally sponsored/sector schemes, such as Fish Farmers Development Agencies of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, National Scheme for Welfare of Fishermen, Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, National Mission for Protein Supplements and National Fisheries Development Board.

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