Rajasthan : Planned Development

Rajasthan : Planned Development

Rajasthan : Planned Development

Projections of resources for Twelfth Five Year Plan:- The size of the Twelfth Five Year Plan is estimated at `1,96,992 crore. A comparison of approved Annual Plans of Eleventh Plan with projections of Twelfth Plan (at current prices) will reveal that the State has estimated contribution of State’s Own Funds at 16.87 per cent against 9.18 per cent approved during Eleventh plan period. Similarly, the borrowings have been projected to contribute 35.36 per cent in XIIth Five Year Plan against 33.24 per cent approved during Eleventh Plan period. While projecting resources, the dependence on I&EBR of Public Sector Undertakings and Local Bodies has also been reduced to 33.96 per cent against 42.94 per cent approved during Eleventh Plan period. The size of XIIth Five Year Plan is more than double of XI Plan at current prices.



Approved Outlay and Expenditure of Five Year /Annual Plans are given in table Table : Approved Outlay and Expenditure of Five Year /Annual Plans(crore)


Plan Period                                            Approved Outlay                          Expenditure


First Five Year Plan (1951 -1956)              64.50                                                 54.15

Second Five Year Plan (1956 -1961)       105.27                                               102.74

Third Five Year Plan (1961 -1966)            236.00                                               212.70

Annual Plan (1966-1967)                          48.87                                                  48.90

Annual Plan (1967-1968)                          43.65                                                 39.88

Annual Plan (1968-1969)                          40.08                                                  47.98

Fourth Five Year Plan (1969 -1974)         306.21                                                308.79

Fifth Five Year Plan (1974 -1979)            847.16                                                857.62

Annual Plan (1979-1980)                          275.00                                               290.19

Sixth Five Year Plan (1980 -1985)           2025.00                                              2120.45

Seventh Five Year Plan (1985 -1990)     3000.00                                              3106.18

Annual Plan (1990-1991)                          961.53                                                975.57

Annual Plan (1991-1992)                          1166.00                                              1184.41

Eighth Five Year Plan (1992 -1997)         11500.00                                           11998.97

Ninth Five Year Plan (1997 -2002)           27650.00                                           19566.82

Tenth Five Year Plan (2002 -2007)          31831.75                                          33951.21

Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007 -2012)    71731.98                                          93954.34

Annual Plan (2012-13)                               33141.35                                           32437.35

Annual Plan (2013-14)                               40139.00                                          39576.53

Annual Plan (2014-15)                               69820.05                                           54794.22

Annual Plan (2015-16)                               71405.78                              


Annual Plan (2016-17)                               99693.30                                           65185.47

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)


An outlay of 1, 96,992 crore has been proposed for Twelfth Five Year Plan. The major head-wise proposed allocations are given in table





Proposed Outlay of 12th Five Year Plan


Head of Development/ Sector         Twelfth Plan Proposed    Per cent to Total Outlay

 Outlay (2012-17)


  1. Agriculture & Allied Services 10977. 13 5.57
  2. Rural Development 17738.39 9.00
  3. Special Area Programme 1151.94 0.59
  4. Irrigation and Flood Control 7853.91 3.99
  5. Power 72723.25 36.92
  6. Industry & Minerals 993.52 0.50
  7. Transport 10408.22 5.28
  8. Scientific Services and Research 242.07 0.12
  9. Social & Community Services 69490.58 35.28
  10. Economic Services 3673.83 1.87
  11. General Services 1739.16 0.88


Total                                                             196992.00                             100.00

There is a substantial increase in the outlay for Twelfth Plan as compared to that of the Eleventh . The Eleventh Plan total outlay was  71,731.98 crore, whereas size of Twelfth Plan is 1, 96,992.00 crore which is 174.62 per cent higher than Eleventh Five

Year Plan’s approved outlay. The targeted economic growth and socio – economic monitor able targets are given in table.


Economic Growth Targets

(Per cent)


Sector                                     Target for Twelfth Plan for Rajasthan


Agriculture                                                  3.50

Industries                                                    8.00

Services                                                     9.50

Total Growth Rate                                      7.70


Socio-Economic Monitorable Targets


S.No. Social Indicators                Unit                  Twelfth Plan Goals for Rajasthan


  1. Infant Mortality Rate             Infant deaths per                               40

(IMR)                         thousand live births


  1. Maternal Mortality Ratio Maternal deaths per lakh                200

(MMR)               live births


  1. Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Birth per Woman            2.5
  2. Malnutrition among Children percent 25.3

Under 3 years

  1. Anemia among women per cent                                             24.3

(15-49 years)

  1. Sex ratio (0-6 years) Girls per thousand Boys 912
  2. Total Literacy Rate per cent 79.57
  3. Male Literacy Rate per cent 91.89
  4. Female Literacy Rate per cent 66.22


Budgeted Annual Plan Outlay 2016-17

( crore)


Major Head/ Sector                                                            Budgeted Outlay 2016-17


  1. Agriculture & Allied Services 5606.74
  2. Rural Development 12292.44
  3. Special Area Programme 260.00
  4. Irrigation and Flood Control 2300.61
  5. Power 31540.80
  6. Industry & Minerals 530.45
  7. Transport 6327.14
  8. Scientific Services 111.28
  9. Social & Community Services 38104.84
  10. Economic Services 1789.30
  11. General Services 829.70


T otal including UDAY                                                                              99693.30

Provision under UDAY                                                                               20133.24

Total excluding UDAY                                                                              79560.06


Progress under State Plan during 2015-16 and 2016-17

( Lakh)

  1. No. Major Head Expenditure


2015-16*                    2016-17


1 Agriculture & Allied Services                              327182.77                 175651.94

2 Rural Development                                              1087260.17               658618.04

3 Special Area Programme                                    22505.78                   16674.09

4 Irrigation and Flood Control                                139152.93                141672.63

5  Power

                                                                   5494601.33               2990860.15

6 Industry & Minerals                                              29298.86                   17113.03

7 Transport                                                                392289.61                 178044.95

8 Scientific Services                                                3542.95                      1881.03

9 Social & Community Services                            2535144.98               2192633.24

10 Economic Services                                            136413.02                 76089.40

11 General Services                                                86189.66                   69308.21

Grand Total                                                              10253582.06             6518546.71

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