General Studies Paper-III- RAS/RTS Mains Updated Syllabus

Detailed Notes for RAS Mains Paper III Notes-Polity, Administration, Ethics, Behavior and Law

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Detailed topicwise RPSC Mains GK Notes for RAS Mains Exam are provided for free browsing. RPSC (RAS) Mains Notes are designed by RAS Toppers and other civil servants. Detail Notes can be browsed at the following links.

Unit I- Indian Political System, World Politics and Current Affairs
Indian Constitution: Framing, Features, Amendments, Basic Structure.
Ideological Contents: Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties.
Institutional framework- I: Parliamentary System, President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Parliament.
Institutional Framework- II: Federalism, Centre-State relations, Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism.
Institutional Framework- III: Election Commission of India, Comptroller and Auditor General, Union Public Service Commission, NITI Aayog, Central Vigilance Commission, Central Information Commission, National Human Rights Commission
Political Dynamics: Role of Cast, Religion, Class, Ethnicity, Language and Gender in Indian Politics, Political Parties and Electoral Behaviour, Civil Society and Political Movement, Issues related to National Integrity and Security. Potential areas of Socio-Political conflicts
State Politics of Rajasthan: Party System, Political Demography, Different phases of Political competition in Rajasthan, Panchayati Raj and Urban self Government Institutions
Emerging World Order in the post Cold War era, USA’s hegemony and its resistance, UN and Regional Organizations, International Terrorism and Environmental issues.
Foreign Policy of India: Evolution, Determinants, India’s relations with USA, China, Russia and European Union, India’s role in UN, NAM, BRICS, G- 20, G- 77 and SAARC.
Geo-political and Strategic development in South Asia, South East Asia and West Asia and their impact on India.
Current Affairs: Current events, persons and places of Rajasthan, National and international importance, recent activities related to games and sports.

Unit II- Concepts, Issues and Dynamics of Public Administration and Management
Administration and management: Meaning, nature and significance. Its role in developed & developing societies. Evolution of Public Administration as a discipline, new public administration, Theories of public administration.
Concepts of power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility and delegation.
Principles of organization: Hierarchy, Span of control and unity of command
Functions of management, Corporate governance and social responsibility
 New dimensions of public management, management of change.
Aptitude and foundational values of civil services: integrity, impartiality, and non partisanship, dedication to public service, relationship between generalists and specialists.
 Legislative & Judicial control over administration: various methods and techniques of legislative & judicial control.
Administrative setup, administrative culture in Rajasthan: Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, State Secretariat and Chief Secretary.
 District administration: organization, role of District Collector and Superintendent of Police, Sub-divisional and Tehsil administration.
 Development Administration: Meaning, Scope and Characteristics.
State Human Rights Commission, State Election Commission, Lokayukt, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011

Unit III- Sports & Yoga, Behavior and Law

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